Many Will Come but Few Will Follow - Kyle Eastman; Reflect, Rejoice, Renew - Mark Kang 01/05/25

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Kyle Eastman, from the Ann Arbor Church (west region), and Mark Kang begin the new year with two messages, each guiding us to a new beginning.

Kyle discusses how Jesus can work through our lives much like a person who is going through rehab from addictions. That we first have to believe in Him, and then be open and vulnerable to change. It is through this vulnerability that we will grow stronger, and can better help others around us to heal as well.

Mark, sharing from Exodus, Romans, and Proverbs, reminds us to put our whole hearts into rejoicing in the Lord and what we have been given. How we must examine our convictions on the 'line' of sin in our lives (and not to simply see what we can get away with). That with a vision for what God can give us, we can receive restoration and renewal in our lives.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 01/05/25