“When times are tough you should look to Jesus”
The Courage to be Reconciled
“Jesus taught his family, the Twelve and the world, how to put their differences aside, get along with each other and focus on something greater than themselves.”
The Story of the Christ: The Troublemaker
“Will you fight the revealing of your heart?
Motivation: Better
“The greatest indicator of success in life is your attitude in challenges”
“He had a desperate need for God”
How are we Responding?
“What do we do when were face with information that challenges some of our long held beliefs or practices?”
Counter Culture
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
Closer: Being Known
“If being known is a key to closeness with other people, what does that look like with God?”
2018 Congregational Kickoff
“Who will you be in 2018?”
Change Makes Sense
“We struggle with accomplishing the same goals every year because we’re not focused on the character changes that are required for real transformation.”